Legal Statement:

This website was created by Horizon Construction Development Limited (hereinafter referred to as “CDHORIZON”). Any person who enters, browses, and uses this website shall first read this legal notice. Please do not continue to use this website if you do not agree with this legal statement. If you continue and enter, browse, and use this website, it means that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this legal statement and are willing to abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

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The domain name www. is owned by CDHORIZON., and shall not be used by any entity or individual without the written authorization of CDHORIZON.


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CDHORIZON does not assume any responsibility for your accessing to other websites through links on this website. When you enter other websites, you must have fully understood that these websites have no affiliation with CDHORIZON and are not under the control of CDHORIZON. Moreover, the links on this website to other websites do not suggest that CDHORIZON endorses or assumes responsibility for the content or the use of these websites. You shall access to other websites prudently to avoid viruses or other destructive programs.

Applicable and governing laws:

This website and the legal statement shall be applicable to the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes related to this website and the legal statement shall be within the jurisdiction of the People’s Court where CDHORIZON is located.

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